Sunday, October 16, 2011

Rejoicing and Calling All Prayer Warriors!!

Hi friends, 

Remember a few blogs back I mentioned about meeting ladies online who were struggling with infertility as well and asked for your prayers for one of them in particular?  She and her husband have trying to conceive for many years (12 I think) and she has a history of a previous miscarriage.  Well this morning during church, as our pastor preached on God's faithfulness, I received a message from my friend.  With her blessing, I am ecstatic to report that she is pregnant!!! I am SO thrilled for her.  Coinciding with Pastor's message this morning reinforces to me that God IS faithful.  He DOES hear our prayers.  I am so encouraged by this news and it thrills my heart!  The tears I cried were tears of joy and hope.
I can only imagine the thoughts flying thru her brain right now!  The joy and excitement, the trepidation and fear.  She has asked for prayer and I am asking you, my friends to join me in praying for her, her husband and their baby.  Please pray that if God wills, that He will cover that little baby with His mighty hands and that the baby will grow strong and healthy to full term.  Please pray for my friend that God will calm her spirit and give her peace.  Here is her blog if you wish to follow her story directly.  Chani's Place  Whether you follow her blog or not would you please, please lift her up before God even as you read this post?  Thank you!


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